Welcome to CUPE Local 5265

CUPE Local 5265 represents all persons employed as part-time faculty members by King’s University College, in London, Ontario, to teach degree-credit courses.

The Union needs to contact its members from time to time to keep them informed. Therefore, we are asking our new members to provide their contact information. Please email your non-uwo email address to the executive at cupelocal5265@gmail.com 





  • Congratulations to Bridget DeMarchi on becoming CUPE 5265’s new President.
  • Our union is currently searching for a member to serve as Chief Steward, and for additional members to serve as stewards. If you are interested in either of these positions, please email the executive at cupelocal5265@gmail.com.
  • CUPE 3903, the contract workers at York University, are on strike and looking for support.
  • The updated seniority list was uploaded on March 1, 2024.